Welcome To Lazarus

Instead of a "BANG", humanity is passing away with the shuffling of dead feet, and hungry moans. Desperate men and women fight against the rising tide for the newly risen dead.Sometimes, though, the undead are not he most dangerous things out there. Civilization has failed the test; the only thing left is survival.

Lazarus is just one of many places where humanity holds on by a thread, and life and death come as easily as a roll of the dice.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kentucky Fred Zombie and John

I've been posting a lot of 15mm stuff, lately, so I thought I post some bigger eye candy, just so everyone knows I'm not a one trick pony :-)

Black Orc Games makes several 25/28mm zombies in their "Hundred Kingdom" line. I will be honest, as a whole, these are not some of the best sculpts out there.  The big redeeming factor is that they are super cheap; between $1.00 and $1.50 each.  Also, two of my favorite zombie figs do come out of the line.  They are:

Kentucky Fred Zombie (every table needs an undead zombie chicken mascot)


and "John" the Zombie (what can I say, bathroom humor is still funny, even at my age)


  1. They are both hillarious, I'd not seen them so thanks for sharing.

  2. I love them mate! And a good paintjob too! Well done...

  3. Lol, what a nice figure!
    Thanks, I will see for the Black Ork Store :D

  4. LOL Kentucky Fred is awesome, great figures.

  5. I reviewed these a while back on my blog and I agree they are great figures and very humouous. Nice paint jobs on them, by the way.
