Welcome To Lazarus

Instead of a "BANG", humanity is passing away with the shuffling of dead feet, and hungry moans. Desperate men and women fight against the rising tide for the newly risen dead.Sometimes, though, the undead are not he most dangerous things out there. Civilization has failed the test; the only thing left is survival.

Lazarus is just one of many places where humanity holds on by a thread, and life and death come as easily as a roll of the dice.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

10,000+ Views!!!

Wow, you guys are awesome!  Since April, of this year, this blog has had over 10,000 page views.  Tuesday, I think it was.  Compared to some of your blogs, it's not much.  Still, it's a nice milestone to observe.  I know it took a lot more people than the 44 following me right now.  You zombie addicts that are following my exploits, commenting and giving me support make it all worth while, though.  Thanks for your support.  Now, back to the apocalypse.